Google Play
Minggu, 15 April 2012

(Formerly known as Android Market )
Google Play is a digital content service from Google which includes an online store for music, movies, books, and Android apps and games, as well as a cloud media player. The service is accessible from the web, mobile app Play Store on Android, and Google TV. Purchased content is available across all of these platforms/devices.Google Play was introduced in March 2012 when Google re branded its predecessor Android Market and Google Music services.

Free apps are available worldwide, while paid applications are available in 129 countries. Applications can be installed from the device or the Google Play website According to Google there are over 450,000 titles available as of March 2012.Google Play can update the apps the user selects automatically, or users can update then on a per-case basis or update all apps at once.
Judul: Google Play
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